Every new blogger has doubts about where to make backlinks, what backlinks are, whether it is right to make them or not, and what kind of backlinks should be made. Today’s post will answer these questions.
Many bloggers do not even know what a backlink is and why to create a backlink, but many people know that backlinks help in ranking our posts in Google.
Some people waste their entire time in the pursuit of backlinks because they have many doubts about them and think that only backlinks can rank their posts. Some people even waste a lot of their money in the pursuit of backlinks, yet their posts do not rank.
So today with the answers to all these questions, in this post, you will know how to create high-quality backlinks in 11 such ways by which your post will rank in Google and there will be no problem with it.
What is Backlink?

If you interpret the meaning of Backlink in simple language, then Back means from behind and Link means URL, meaning that which works from behind, Backlink is a link that creates a way to go from another Blog / Website to your Blog / Website.
When the link of a web page is connected to another web page, we call it a backlink. Let us understand this in some more simple language.
For example, if there is a good blog/website on which a lot of visitors come to read the posts and the link to your site is given in the post they are reading, then those visitors come to your site by clicking on that link.
Due to this, visitors to your site also start increasing, due to which your post ranks better in Google and this is called backlink.
So now you must have understood what a Backlink is but to use any Backlink, there are some terms related to it that you need to know only then you will be able to understand it and use it in your Blog/Website.
What are the names of Backlinks?
1. Link Juice
Juice Link helps in ranking your post and also improves your Domain Authority. Now the question comes what is Link Juice? When the link of any web page is linked to any article on your website or is linked to the homepage, then from there the link flows and reaches your website, then we call it Link Juice.
2. Low Quality Links
Low Quality is a link that comes to your blog/website from the wrong site, Spam Site or Porn Site. Such links only harm your site. Therefore, whenever you create backlinks, make sure that the link your site gets is a high-quality link, otherwise, your site will suffer more losses and fewer benefits.
3. High Quality Links
If you want to know how to create high-quality backlinks, then only a high-quality website can provide high-quality backlinks. High-quality websites are those websites that are very popular.
For those whose DA, and PA are high and their value is higher in the eyes of Google, if your site gets high-quality backlinks then your website gets a high ranking in the search engine.
In High-Quality Backlinks, you need to keep some things in mind. You have to make Backlinks from the same site that is relevant to you, meaning if your site is on fashion, then you have to make Backlinks from fashion-relevant sites only and not from any tech blog.
4. Internal Links
Internal Links do not mean any external site, it mean your post, if any of your posts are ranked in Google and today you are writing another post, then you can give the link of that post in this post so that this new post can also rank in Google. Linking two posts together is Internal Links in which you can link many posts.
So these were some terms of backlinks or their names. Now we will know how many types of backlinks are there, that is, what are the types of backlinks, and then we will know the methods of making it.
How many kinds of backlinks are there?
You can create Backlinks from anywhere or however you want but when we talk about types of Backlinks, there are only two types of Backlinks.
- DoFollow Backlink
- NoFollow Backlink
1. DoFollow Backlink
I have already told you about Link Juice above. Do-Follow Backlink helps in passing Link Juice. It gives a way for one website to go to another website and the link created in this process is called Do-Follow Link.
Although all the links that you give on other websites or blog posts are DoFollow links, you decide yourself whether that link will be DoFollow or NoFollow.
Do-Follow Links help in increasing the ranking of your website in Search Engine and also prove to be very beneficial for your blog.
2. NoFollow Backlink
NoFollow Backlink is the one that does not allow one website to pass the link juice to another website. NoFollow Backlink has no value in Search Engine. NoFollow Link also does not help in ranking your website.
But even after this, there are some benefits of NoFollow Backlink, it gives a natural look to your Profile Link, if all the links are made DoFollow then Google will feel that your Profile Link is not natural, for which Google can also penalize you, hence you need to create NoFollow Backlink also.
How to Create High-Quality Backlinks

Everyone has a different opinion about creating backlinks. Some people feel that without backlinks, their posts cannot rank in Google, which is why they focus more on creating backlinks than on content.
However, I believe that backlinks are not that important. I have not created any backlinks from any website to date and out of my 30 posts to date, 19 posts are ranked on the first page of Google. I have always paid attention to the content.
Yes, there are some benefits of backlinks, it helps in increasing visitors to your blog and also increases your DA and PA but if you do not pay attention to the content then whatever you do, your post cannot rank in Google.
What any backlink does is that it brings users to your post and when your content is not good then the user goes back. In this situation, instead of your post getting ranked, it starts getting deranged.
So if you want to rank in Google then follow the steps given below to create a backlink.
1. Profile Backlinks
When you create a new blog, first of all, you should create some Profile Backlinks. Profile Backlinks do not bring much traffic to your blog but it builds your authority.
And Google’s crawlers visit those sites to find out if your site is present or not. This is not to increase users but to tell the crawler who is accessing my site.
Profile Backlinks are those in which you go to a site and create a complete profile about yourself in which you give the URL of your blog in any form, whether in the form of bio, or anchor text.
You will find many sites to create Profile Backlinks, you have to go to your browser and search Profile Backlinks Websites where you will find many sites, apart from this you have all your social media.
Where you can create as many profile backlinks for your blog as you want to create high-quality backlinks, for this you should use these sites.
- Quora
- Amazon
- Koo App
- Medium
2. Write Quality Content
You can rank your blog on the first page of Google even without backlinks but for this, you will have to improve the quality of your content. If your content is strong, you can rank not only on the first page but also at the first number.
I will give you a small example of this when I started my blog with the thought that I would write whatever came to my mind and I started writing about bathing, eating, traveling, etc.
Then I read some blogs and started writing like them and this is where my posts started ranking and those keywords got ranked which had high search volume without any backlink. I did not even know that backlinks exist. Think if my post can rank while learning, then if better content is created than that, there is no need for any backlink.
You just have to write good content that your visitors like. That content should give some value to your visitors and those visitors should come to your blog again. The longer the visitors stay on your post, the more the chances of your ranking increasing.
But if the same person comes to your post through a backlink and does not like the post and goes back, then the ranking starts falling.
3. By guest posting
These backlinks are high-quality backlinks which are the best. However, I do not suggest guest posting to anyone nor do I do it myself.
But if you want to get a backlink from a good site with high DA, PA then this is the best way where you can get a do-follow backlink by doing guest posting on a blog which is very beneficial for your blog.
But it is not easy to get a backlink even through guest posting from a big blogger i.e. a site with high DA PA because if you are a small blogger then the big bloggers will not accept your guest post.
In such a case, you will try to get guest post backlinks from similar bloggers. According to me, guest posting is a waste of time. The post you are writing with so much effort is posted on someone else’s blog and how many users will you get from it?
You will get users only when that post gets ranked. If you want to get your post ranked on someone else’s blog, do this work on your blog.
According to me, the correct backlink is that in which one or two thousand people visit a post that is related to your blog and in which the link to your site is given, it does not matter who owns the post and who has written it. If you get such a backlink then it is not good. Do not pay much attention to the backlink.
And you also get such backlinks in which your time is not wasted, you get such backlinks by paying money or by compromising.
4. By commenting
Comment backlink is also very beneficial, when you read a post on a blog, then you can also get a backlink by commenting on that post, you just have to give the URL of the blog while commenting, it does not waste much of your time.
This small comment tells many people that you have said something on this blog and sometimes it happens that when you comment on a blog, the creator of that blog checks your site.
If he likes something then he comments on your site and when a successful blogger comments on your site then his users also get to know about it and then those users start coming to your site.
Many people may not understand these things, so I will give you an example, first you have to search google.com in your Chrome Browser and then search the name of my blog yourankus or yourankus.com.
Now in the result, you will see some posts of my blog, all the social media of this name, and the sites on which I have created my profile and where I have commented.
5. From my site
Most of you new or old bloggers email us to get backlinks on your site from my site yourankus.com, so if you also want a quality backlink from my site then you can get it easily, the condition of which will be as follows.
You can create all three types of backlinks on my site; Guest Post, Backlink Exchange, and Paid Backlinks, but the final decision on whom to give the backlink to and whom not to give will be mine.
Guest Post Backlinks – For this, you will have to write a post on the keywords given by me, which should not be even 1% copied from anywhere, you will have to make images of the post, etc., it does not matter to me how many words the post will have, but the post written by you should be such that it can rank in Google.
Because I will update this post regularly and try to rank it. If the post written by you does not rank in the top 3 positions within 6 months, then I will edit this post or delete it and in both situations, I will remove your backlink.
Paid Backlinks – I do not want to give Paid Backlinks to anyone, that is why I charge a high amount from those who repeatedly ask for Paid Backlinks, which will be more than ten thousand dollars depending on your site, not even a single dollar less.
But if you are a sponsor and write a sponsored post, then you should email us and we can settle the backlink between us, but even in this, it is better if sponsors who give less than $20 do not email us.
FAQs –
What are quality backlinks in SEO?
The simple meaning of quality backlink is to create the right backlink according to your post, the information which I have given in this post.
How to create high-quality backlinks for free?
There are many ways to create backlinks, in which you can create backlinks from a blog, get social media, forum site, comment backlinks, and organic backlinks, as well as create free backlinks from my site, complete information of which is given to you in this post.
Can I get backlinks from Medium?
You can create not one but two types of backlinks on Medium, in which along with creating a profile backlink, you can also create a backlink by sharing posts.
So this was some important information about what are backlinks, in which you learned how to create high-quality backlinks, in which backlinks are correct and which are not, you must have also got information about how important backlinks are, so you can create them this way.
If you work keeping in mind the things mentioned by me, then your post will rank in Google. I hope you will like this information about what is Backlink and how to make High-Quality Backlinks. How did you like the information? Please give your opinion in the comment box.
If you do not like this information, then you can tell us about it, which will help us improve our next post also share this post with your friends on Facebook, Telegram, Linkedin, and other social media so that this information can reach more people which can help them too.